50 min
This 50-minute full body flow invites you to connect with your breath as a doorway to present moment awareness. In this safe, non-judgmental space, you’ll explore mindful movement, core engagement, posture, and stabilization while practicing backbends, inversions, and hip openers.
This practice is all about showing up as you are, meeting yourself with curiosity instead of judgment. Whether you’re navigating thoughts, emotions, or sensations, this class offers an opportunity to be fully present and embrace yourself as is. Variations and options are provided to make this flow accessible to all levels. You may want to bring two blocks or books for support.
Begin with cat-cow and a gentle opening flow to warm up the body, move into twists and low lunge twists, and explore deeper poses like urdhva dhanurasana (upside-down wheel), agni stambasana (fire log pose/double pigeon), and sarvangasana (shoulder stand). This slow, mindful flow helps cultivate awareness, curiosity, and self-acceptance while strengthening and opening the body.