16 min
Take a much-needed work break with this 16-minute seated flow, perfect for practicing at your desk or anywhere you sit. This rejuvenating session is designed to release tension, open your joints, and energize your body, helping you feel refreshed and nourished throughout your day. The flow includes diaphragmatic breathing to renew energy, followed by stretches for the head, neck, shoulders, wrists (especially helpful for those who type or text), hips, knees, and feet.
The practice also features restorative movements like seated cat-cow, side body stretches, twists, hip openers, finger stretches, and an upper back stretch with eagle arms. We’ll conclude with an energizing lion’s breath to reset and uplift your mood. Whether you’re at your desk, taking a midday break, or preparing your body before sitting down to work, this flow is the perfect solution for stiffness and lack of movement.