34 min
Guided rejuvenating meditation to manifest your desired state of being.

Face of woman

40 min
Guided deep rest yoga nidra to align with your higher self + set an intention within the subconscious.

Woman in bikini at beach

33 min
Guided deep rest relaxation to manifest your heart’s desire + release blockages that no longer serve you

Sea shells

20 min
Guided deep rest meditation to reset the nervous system, clear the mind, rejuvenate the body + set intention.

Woman kneeling with hands on knees black and white

32 min
Guided yoga nidra to connect deep within to your subconscious setting intentions of joy and love.

house in the jungle beach with palm tress

12 min
Guided conscious connected breathwork + meditation to let go, reset, and set a powerful intention

Woman facing away from camera on a bed

14 mins
Reset + shift your state of being with non-judgmental awareness, breath, + intention.